Health Profiles 2014 These profiles bring together existing information into one place to provide a snapshot of health and wellbeing across each local authority in England. They contain data on a range of indicators for local populations such as the proportion of children in poverty, adult smoking rates, levels of child and adult obesity, hospital stays and early mortality rates. The profiles are intended to help local government and health services make plans to improve local people’s health and reduce health inequalities. The data is grouped into five domains: Our communities, Children’s and young people’s health, Adults’ health and lifestyle, Disease and poor health, Life expectancy and causes of death. All these domains are displayed together under the heading “All spine chart indicators”.

The Healthy Air Campaign is tackling the public health crisis caused by air pollution. They aim to encourage behaviour that helps cut air pollution and exposure to it and persuade the government to take action so the UK complies fully with international air quality law.

Department of Health, for national health information.

World Health Organization, for information on health, research, resources, etc.

The Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development, for health care resources.


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